Abstract This research aims to develop a suggested framework to overcome obstacles of hybrid learning to meet academic education quality requirements in the e-learning. A questionnaire was designed using Google Drive Models for students and Faculty members of the Faculties of Arts - Ain Shams, Cairo and Helwan University to achieve the research purpose. 150 questionnaires were distributed to the study sample, 145 questionnaires were obtained and 142 were valid. The first theme consists of (64) phrases expressing the requirements for the operationalization of hybrid learning under eight themes. (29) Phrase expressing obstacles to hybrid learning operationalization in the university e-learning environment. The study concluded that there is a statistically significant correlation between the obstacles to hybrid learning operationalization and meeting academic education quality in the university e-learning environment. There are also differences between the responses of students and Faculty members regarding the requirements for hybrid learning operationalization and meeting the academic education quality in the university e-learning environment. In addition, the suggested framework helps obstacles in terms of hybrid learning operationalization to meet the quality of academic education quality requirements in the e-learning environment. In the light of the results, the study made several recommendations
Qayyem, Rania Al-Qayyem... (2022). A Suggested Framework to Overcome Obstacles of Implementing Hybrid Learning to Meet Academic Education Quality Requirements in E-learning.. العلوم التربوية, 30(4), 45-88. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2022.293907
Rania Al-Qayyem.. Qayyem. "A Suggested Framework to Overcome Obstacles of Implementing Hybrid Learning to Meet Academic Education Quality Requirements in E-learning.", العلوم التربوية, 30, 4, 2022, 45-88. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2022.293907
Qayyem, Rania Al-Qayyem... (2022). 'A Suggested Framework to Overcome Obstacles of Implementing Hybrid Learning to Meet Academic Education Quality Requirements in E-learning.', العلوم التربوية, 30(4), pp. 45-88. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2022.293907
Qayyem, Rania Al-Qayyem... A Suggested Framework to Overcome Obstacles of Implementing Hybrid Learning to Meet Academic Education Quality Requirements in E-learning.. العلوم التربوية, 2022; 30(4): 45-88. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2022.293907