Abstract The current study's goal is to determine how Dynamic Assessment (DA) affects the writing skill of students in the English department at Delta University's Faculty of Arts. Additionally, to find out how students feel about this strategy. In order to accomplish these objectives, a quasi-experimental study involving sixty freshman students was conducted. They were split into two equal groups (n=30), one for the experimental group (EG), and the other for the control group (CG). The first group received a treatment based on the Dynamic Assessment (DA) technique, whereas the other group received the traditional teaching and assessment strategy. To gauge the progress of the students, a pretest-posttest strategy was employed. In order to assess students' attitudes towards this strategy, an interview was also conducted. The study's findings revealed that the dynamic assessment (DA) had a significant impact on participants' scores, enhanced their writing skills, and showed that DA scores of the EG were often higher than those of the CG. Additionally, according to the findings of the students’ interview, DA might boost the process writing abilities and writing self-assurance of EFL students. It also improved their estimate of their writing prowess as well.
AlAdl, Dr. Abdelrahman Elsayed. (2023). The Effects of Dynamic Assessment on the Writing Classroom and students’ Attitude: the experience of English Department Students.. العلوم التربوية, 31(2), 1-23. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2023.309111
Dr. Abdelrahman Elsayed AlAdl. "The Effects of Dynamic Assessment on the Writing Classroom and students’ Attitude: the experience of English Department Students.", العلوم التربوية, 31, 2, 2023, 1-23. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2023.309111
AlAdl, Dr. Abdelrahman Elsayed. (2023). 'The Effects of Dynamic Assessment on the Writing Classroom and students’ Attitude: the experience of English Department Students.', العلوم التربوية, 31(2), pp. 1-23. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2023.309111
AlAdl, Dr. Abdelrahman Elsayed. The Effects of Dynamic Assessment on the Writing Classroom and students’ Attitude: the experience of English Department Students.. العلوم التربوية, 2023; 31(2): 1-23. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2023.309111