The study aimed to discover the benefits of incorporating play in kindergarten, how play affects students’ academic performance, the effect of play on educational goals in inclusive settings, and the relation between children’s play and emotional literacy.The study used a qualitaitve method design including direct observations, anecdotal notes, and examining, using, and making records and semi-structured interviews. The participants were students from a low-income, rural Central Illinois school district. The sample of the study consisted of twenty-five kindergarten students and two kindergarten classes for the first semseter 2022-2023, as well as, twenty teachers were selected based on their interest in being interviewed. Data was collected through direct observations, field notes, records and closed-ended questions. The results of this study revealed that children who play in kindergarten are more likely to do better academically in school than children who did not play in kindergarten. Therefore, the study illustrated the many positive effects of incorporating play in kindergarten classrooms.Which is improving children's cognitive, physical, and emotional well-being. Recommended actions from this study included sharing the results with administrators and teachers, implementing play in kindergarten classrooms, and continuing learning about play in school settings.
مشترك, Dr. Majedah F. Abu Alrub& Mrs. Patrycja McCoy. (2024). The Importance of Play in kindergarten Classrooms: An Exploratory Study.. العلوم التربوية, 32(1), 1-32. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2024.348016
Dr. Majedah F. Abu Alrub& Mrs. Patrycja McCoy مشترك. "The Importance of Play in kindergarten Classrooms: An Exploratory Study.", العلوم التربوية, 32, 1, 2024, 1-32. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2024.348016
مشترك, Dr. Majedah F. Abu Alrub& Mrs. Patrycja McCoy. (2024). 'The Importance of Play in kindergarten Classrooms: An Exploratory Study.', العلوم التربوية, 32(1), pp. 1-32. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2024.348016
مشترك, Dr. Majedah F. Abu Alrub& Mrs. Patrycja McCoy. The Importance of Play in kindergarten Classrooms: An Exploratory Study.. العلوم التربوية, 2024; 32(1): 1-32. doi: 10.21608/ssj.2024.348016