The differential effect of music on the working memory of musically trained and non-trained undergraduate students.

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية




The aims of this study were to determine differential effect of music on the working memory, as measured by Digit Span Test, Visual pattern Test, word recall test and Backward Digit Recall Test of trained and non-trained undergraduate students. )60( undergraduate students from faculty of specific education, Cairo university participated in this study. There were )30(
 (18 females, 60% and 12 males ,40%) and musically trained, and )30( (20 females , 66.6% and 10 males 33.3%) musically non- trained. There aged )20-21( years old average age=20.7 years. Results showed that there were significant difference between musically trained and non- trained undergraduate students on All test of working memory in favor of musically trained students.

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